Integrated Communication

Integrated Communication

September 29, 2015 by

With multiple ministries doing their own thing, church communication can be a challenge. Part of succeeding is to find ways to integrate the communication of your entire church. You need to work with ministries to create a unified approach to communication that goes beyond individual ministry silos.

Our job is to serve ministries—because without these ministries, we really don’t have a ministry.

Stephen Brewster and Mark MacDonald talk about integrated communication:

“For most churches today, the option of just doing big church events doesn’t exist. For the majority of churches today, working with the kids’ ministry or the women’s ministry isn’t even an option, it’s a necessity—it’s part of the job. So I think what you’ll learn if you come to a Certification Lab is how do you take what you do and the level of expertise that you have and take the ministry of somebody else and make what they do better. Creative arts teams and communication teams are two things, they’re one part innovation and one part service. Our job is to be following and watching and exploring trends and new ways to do what we’ve always done, but at the same time it’s to serve ministries—because without these ministries, we really don’t have a ministry. Likewise, without a communications department, they have a pretty poor experience for their ministry, because they’re not going to be experts on how to communicate what needs to be communicated in those settings.” -Stephen Brewster

“If your church is known for a bunch of ministry silos, then you’re not doing church communication properly.”

This video is from a 2014 Google Hangout promoting our West Coast Certification Lab. You can watch that entire hangout, and while that particular Certification Lab is over, we’ve got plenty more coming up.

Check out our upcoming roster of Certification Lab events and consider attending to soak up this kind of insight and encouragement. Get a taste of what you can expect at Certification Lab with our round-up of Certification Lab resources.

Certification Lab

Post By:

Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.
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