Church Restaurant, Multi-Site, Entertainment

December 1, 2006 by
Post By:

Kevin D. Hendricks

When Kevin isn't busy as the editor of Church Marketing Sucks, he runs his own writing and editing company, Monkey Outta Nowhere. Kevin has been blogging since 1998, runs the hyperlocal site West St. Paul Reader, and has published several books, including 137 Books in One Year: How to Fall in Love With Reading, The Stephanies and all of our church communication books.
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3 Responses to “Church Restaurant, Multi-Site, Entertainment”

  • A.B. Dada
    December 1, 2006

    As an avid congregation server (serving dozens of congregations, now), I really connect with the “Church versus Cooking Show” analogy. I really feel this way most of the time, and I get to taste services at almost a dozen congregations near my house that I round robin. I also go to my main congregation every Sunday. It seems I feel more like asking “And then???” at the end of the service. I always come across the “service closing” and wonder why close the service at the end of morning, why not OPEN the service for people to promote the ideas in their live during the week?
    Good articles, will have to mull over them a bit more.

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  • Jody
    December 1, 2006

    I like what is written on creating an experience. I used to be of the opposing viewpoint, until I started going to a church that really put an effort into services. I DO look forward to church every week! More than anything else. I know the leaders work really hard to make the service innovative and they brainstorm ideas to be thought-provoking and they give us a challenge every week. It’s awesome. Even the worship team works to create an authentic service. I used to go to a church where every single service was exactly the same. Even the pastor’s opening/closing prayers were identical. There was no variation because they believed the Holy Spirit wanted it that way every week. Now that I see what God can do if we put effort into services I really appreciate everyone and I thank God for their creativity!

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  • Doug Boemler Wareing
    December 6, 2006

    I think the “restaurant vs. cooking show” post is a big weak. The poster, Nuno, stated he felt the need to discuss what he was moved by in the sermon.
    Well, he could easily find a small group, Bible study, or even a Sunday School class to meet his stated desires. Chances are the church that he went to has one (if not all) of those.
    The fact that Nuno had the desire for community to discuss the sermon makes the service a success, in my book.

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